Sunday, August 7, 2011

Friendship - An Eternal Gift..!

Friendship is only a 10 letter word but even if one tries to write 10 books on it; it would still remain unexplored. “A faithful relationship inevitable on earth that never dies!” is what I used to write in school slam books. When I opened my own one; I found that it is something which tends to infinity. A selfless feeling, an invisible love shared which once discovered can last for a lifetime. I had never thought in my life that; my then existing friends who had filled the pages of my slam book few years back would now be the people; without whom the pages of my life remain inconspicuous.While turning those pages of history; I passionately tried to follow that anonymous force but couldn't trace its source. I could only see some blurred footprints. I knew that I was riding for a fall but I knuckle down to follow them. Every step was tranquilizing me with adulterated ambiguity leaving plethora of questions behind.

With the onset of opening of 1st page, I started my search for my answers akin to a “treasure-hunt”. I thought being an infant; maybe I was among those who always want to be happy but with someone. Someone who could be with me no matter whether I study, play or eat. I didn’t know what friendship is? Who my friends are ? I used to search it wherever I go and that is what I did wherever I went; wondering why his pencil is bigger than mine; wondering why one has shared his Tiffin-box with me; wondering why that fellow beat me and wondering why he said sorry then…? I still don’t know what friendship is; I still don’t know who my friends are.

Everyone has his own definition for friendship. An artist who has figured out some colors from the beautiful painting of friendship claims it as his most precious gift; a CA declares the same as an agreement which is not forced by law; a doctor diagnoses the same as a tranquilizer which soothes n gives happiness; a student learns the same as a priority playing 3rd fiddle after career and parents, and for a guitarist it sounds him like a guitar; whose sweet music may stop at times but the strings remain attached forever.

In a zest to follow those footprints through my slam book; I came over a page where my eyes paused on one tag  “ BEST FRIEND: ” the term became clear as water when I read the tag as a whole: “who is a BEST FRIEND : A person standing by your shoulder no matter what the circumstances are! Even if you are standing in front of an army of obstacles; you know that even on a single call he will stand beside you to make a difference.” 
Though the answer reaped out its reward and was falling in same line of an adage: “A friend in need is a friend indeed..!” it somehow intrigued my unbridled angst to call for rumination.

Why do we need a best friend…?

Is it just because we are free to share our deepest darkest secrets only with him/her without taking into consideration his/her sentences like: “I care for you or I will b there.” or somewhere profound in our heart we believe that he will be there for us; to help us and support us; in every possible manner he can. Well from that point of view it can be our life-partner, our parents, or our kith n kin.    
However, it is needless to say that It is only a special friend who accepts you as you are. His love for you always exceeds your need for him. Even when people are aware of how retarded you are; he still manages to be seen in public with you. He gives you everything and expects nothing.  

Everyone does have an ocean of angels,
Still our heart hankers for one more drop to fill..?
For a desire to carry the water of friendship in one fist,
With every attempt it somehow spills.

While scanning some last pages I realized that with every twist and turn of our life we are gifted with some angels. I could figure out some pristine footprints and how exchanging a few smiles only for minuscule span were enough to make their habitat in my life. It might be because sometimes it doesn’t matter since how long you have been friends. Sometimes it may take years but sometimes it’s just a matter of few instances to form a bond and then it keeps on mellowing like a fine wine with age. Sometimes a friend may or may not last forever but the friendship certainly does.

As I closed my slam book I finished my “treasure-hunt.” I did try to follow all the footprints in consternation to find all the answers but could touch only a few:

The deeper you get into the ocean of friendship the better is the chance of getting “oyster-shells.” If nurtured well with the periodic of time who knows that one day it may turn into a priceless pearl. A pearl which will not only illuminate your life but will also rescue you from the darkness of circumstances. A pearl which will add one more colour of happiness in the rainbow of your life. A pearl which you will be proud to declare as your TRUE FRIEND !

I wish I had a magic wand so that I could make clear all the blurred pictures and thank every angel for touching my life in ways I could ever imagine. My riches do not lie in material wealth but it lies in having friends like you.   

 Life is all about how you travel the journey of life
 and the thing which makes this journey even worthwhile is what I have discovered as,

F     R    I    E    N    D    S    H    I    P    !