Wednesday, December 26, 2012

WOMAN: Not just a feminine gender!

Amidst following the normal routine of day-to-day life, an unpleasant incident took place in Delhi a week ago and shook the whole country within no time. The shameless act of sadism has hurt the sentiments of the people and the nationwide discontent among the masses has made a point this time. It has raised the questions on safety of a woman in the society. People are in desperate angst to seek severe punishments for the devils of such blatant acts. All are demanding for death penalties replacing 7 year lenient punishment on the grounds of ravishing a woman in the constitution. But if you contemplate on this issue do you think one change in law would make a difference in criminal records?

 If you trace a criminal’s mind you would find that he never takes the punishment in cognizance while doing a certain crime. His entire mind is focused only on accomplishment of his cruel intentions. Unless his intentions are suppressed he doesn’t give a single thought to anything else; not even the fear punishment. Article 302 states death sentence or life imprisonment against the charge of murder but still there are serious assassinations, slaughtering and slaying prevalent in the country. Thus, a mere death sentence or life imprisonment for the rapists is not the sole solution. There have been analogous assaults against woman since decades followed by similar protests by NGO’s and Women empowerment group but nothing changed. If you take a look at statistics you will find a negligible change in the pattern of such crimes.  

The main reason behind this stagnancy is that the issue is never being seen in a broader prospect. We are just emphasizing on safeguarding a woman’s milieu but there are other dimensions too which are subsets of women exploitation. She is still killed before being born, she is still harmed for dowry demands, she is still deprived of her freedom; and she is still dominated by men and society right from selecting a top to marrying a man of his choice. Why she is still playing a second fiddle in the society? All the atrocities on women collectively puts question on one dimension as a whole, the existence of women in the society. 

By looking at one aspect of molestation alone we cannot solve the remaining subsets because all the elements together form one vicious circle whose center point is always neglected by the society. Her existence seems dominant from above when we see women in forefront of every sector and activity but some layers down we all know how she is perceived in the society. The discontent prevailing among the masses today is simply a nine days wonder. The same society which is supporting the Delhi victim will fail to accept her as a daughter-in-law after her recovery. The truth may sound harsh but it’s a fact that we have forgotten the real existence of women in our world.  She is our mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and not just a feminine gender!

Nowadays, we say men and women should be equal. Equal education, equal rights, equal opportunities, equal status etc. but can we raise a girl with the same propensity the way we nurture a boy? The day she turns from child to a girl she is bounded by the social barriers. The society develops a different outlook when she wishes to wear the clothes she desires. In seconds of a chronometer the skepticism enters in her life when she asks to go out for outdoor picnics, birthday parties, etc. No sooner does she ask for her freedom than her right to equality comes under shadows. The question is not about her competition with men for her fundamental right of equality; it’s about giving her a desired life. And the mishaps such as that happened in Delhi puts cages around her freedom.

Whom should we blame; society, culture or lifestyle? Every factor contributes in constructing those cages. What image does a boy have of a woman when the modern culture itself fails to portray the real image of a woman? The effect goes worse when he turns 18 as most of the Bollywood movies run on exposure. The eyesight inevitably turns blue when it finds a girl with an iota of glamour quotient. Who is responsible for fusing that image of women in young minds?  Every school has this thing called ‘boys versus girls.’ No boy can digest the victory of a girl against him; whether it’s grabbing the 1st rank or becoming a class monitor, boys hate the fact of girls being ahead of them. The same feeling prevails after marriage when a wife earns more than his husband. Who is responsible to create that indifference? 

To some extent even women have contributed in curbing the real image. It is only a woman who can inject the womanhood in a girl. But the modern mom is so busy in her lifestyle that there is hardly anytime left in making her daughter aware of that womanhood. Moreover additional focus is being given in modernizing her daughter as the girl of 21st century. The daughter’s glamorous lifestyle gets surrounded by modern dresses, blackberry, parties, boy-friend, etc. at the heart of this modernization the virtues which would have made her a woman is taken for granted. Who is responsible in curbing the womanhood?

A woman is an epitome of creation, love, compassion and divinity. The nature’s gift of creating a human being is attributed to a woman; the highest form of emotion known as mother’s love is awarded only to a woman; the biggest authority of forgiveness is also accredited to her dexterity and above all it is under a woman’s feet where the most divine place called heaven lies. A man has to perceive a woman in that way and not just a feminine gender. If a man is bestowed with great virtues he will certainly behave as a gentleman even in front of a naked girl. A devil’s mind doesn’t differentiate a woman on her clothing, age or relationship. Unless a male is injected with the virtues of dignity and not given the eye-sight to perceive a female as a divine woman he will keep assaulting her character. Ask yourself does a piece of legislation can help in giving woman the status she deserves and resurrect her existence and safeguard as well. For that, mere changes in law will not help it has to be accompanied by changes in perception.

If we create a better perception of women in the eyes of men, society and world we would certainly make a difference. And those roots of perception can grow stronger if sown by woman itself. A mother can easily inject that perception in his son along giving necessary vaccinations; a sister can easily tie that perception along the threads of rakhi; a wife can easily create that perception along creating the whole world around him; a teacher can easily teach that perception along the general etiquette, a lady can easily portray that perception along exhibiting the divine nature.

The male-dominated society might change and whenever a man would come across any female the perception would make him realize that she is the symbol of pride for his home, society and the nation and that 
 she is a woman and not just a feminine gender !

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

No time for LOVE

Every time I try to come near you
An anonymous gravity cages my love for you.
 Path reaching your love is easy however,
The only hurdle is my goal
 I fear it might distance us forever.

To defeat the destiny, I need some time dear
May be few weeks or months or year,
But the candle lit in my heart won’t easily die
 Witnesses are the stars and the moonlight sky.

Ask my heart any day
Whether it beats for you?
Every beat would sound your name
 For my love is explicitly true.

In some cold-night if you miss me O’ Love
Just close your eyes and feel my love.
Akin to a dry rose I will live in your book
Whenever lonely just give me a look.

I promise to accept your Love
The day I conquer planets all nine
Down on my knees with a ring in my hand
My head will bow before you in the shrine.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Facebook is that invention which has become an obsession for over 800 million people all around the globe. If checking your FB account is your 1st task after waking up and also the last task before sleeping, you can’t deny being obsessed with it. What a milieu created by Mark Zuckerberg! All you need is to “log-in”; once done; you enter into totally different virtual world as a whole. Friends, communities, pages, videos, applications everything is here that a virtual world needs to beat the real one. To explore this inexplicable allure has become a daily routine for zillions. No blue screen has been so contagious to turn users into sheer victims of its virulent attack. Still with the onset of every new day we open our account keeping the mercury of excitement sensitive to the temperature of notifications.

What is so fancy about this virtual world that one finds very difficult to get rid of it?

The solitude behind the emptiness might be one of the reluctant factors which keep the mouse pointer away from log-out tab. I think it is difficult to dodge that influence because being a part of something makes one feel so complete. Maybe it is also because belonging to something (which makes an influence) gives a different identity. That is why as soon as you create an account; you feel an anonymous vibe in your work envelope or an activity circle. Just a few random likes on your update and the whole realm of your personality unveils a different meaning of your existence on facebook.

I wonder how a mere ‘like’ tab can even turn things rampant. When a new thing strikes on facebook whether it’s a “kolavari-di” song or an “agneepath” trailer; everyone throngs in zillions to give it a thumbs-up. Unless one follows the same trajectory motion; a remorseful feeling keeps lingering in his mind. Does liking a page or a link create satisfaction of noticing things or we do it just for the sake of being noticed?  When we explore anything; be it our activity, routine, forwarded SMS, PJ’s or shayari….unless it is certified by the “likes”; it remains a null set. With the intention to grab more attention the next time, we update better things one after the other and our whole scheme of things hovers around the centre point of facebook. The vivacious vibe soon changes to sheer pleasure; pleasure changes to want and within no time it ends up in addiction.

There is hardly any user who has had created an account just for the sake of exploration and after gaining enough cognizance he/she has deleted his/her account. Because once explored; users try to make a home out of this homepage by eating updates in lunch, playing with links in the afternoon and finally sleeping under the moonlight of notifications. Why one becomes so much concerned about maintaining his facebook image? I don’t understand what will happen if you don’t upload pictures of your birthdays, tours, picnics, night-outs, hangouts etc..? No one will praise your activity. That’s it! But don’t you feel that the real fun lies in clicking wacky, bonkers and goofy snaps of events which makes a casual moment a lifelong MEMORY?

 Internet flirting and falling in love with one’s profile picture is no new thing on facebook. Starting with a friend request accompanied by few likes and comments might at times take you on a high. Long chats may even strengthen your bond. But a single day with no-comments, likes or chatting makes you feel uncomfortable and series of such events automatically logs you out from your facebook bond.

The law of chatting has to be taken in consideration before falling in the lines of love at first sight freaks.
If your chatting period with him/her gets greater than the time you have spent with the closest person in your life then you might end-up with frustration.”

Because the last phase remains a face to face tryst where you end-up realizing the fact that the person with whom you have been chatting is literally someone else. No wonder it becomes complicated!

All we forget is a nugget that we fall in love with a PROFILE and not with the person. A “Lolz” or a smiley emoticon has no comparison with a real flamboyant smile of a girl that drives all guys crazy. People back then used to fall in love hiding it from parents, teachers or friends but today we fall in love by hiding ourselves behind the computer screens. Love can’t happen with an update, picture, wall post or a profile; it has to happen with a beautiful, whimsical, childish, stupid girl whose existence of seconds make up for a lifetime.

Watching a fiction-film of 120 minutes enables us to believe in reel things over real facts but the obsession ends when we connect back to reality. The key word is “back to reality”. We have a big world outside the blue screen where an update plays a second fiddle. Facebook is only a minuscule part of life and not the heart of life. It is as clear as water that if one spends even 50% of his facebook time with  his old-friends, relatives, college buddies or any special someone in a real sense; one can easily earn a stronger constructive bond and a quality time indeed!  They may not post “take care” on your wall, but they will definitely come to pull your leg when they would come to know about your ill-health, accident, achievements or break-ups.

The crux lies in two things; action and impact behind the action; even if the action is ordinary the impact behind it must be positive, productive and creative. If you are falling in love with a virtual world and doing activities considering it as a centre point then you are certainly logging into FAKEBOOK. Let’s not make a fool of ourselves by being numb over this fact. If we want, we can overcome this addiction and dodge the negative impact which has created a defect in our lifestyle. Being a part of something and prioritizing it over something in our lives are two different things.

Ask yourself…Why have you created an account on FACEBOOK ? And if you are able to hear an answer you can surely refrain yourself from logging-in into
F  A  K  E  B  O  O  K

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saffron White and Green

Sacrifice (saffron), peace (white) and development (green) are the hues which symbolize our national flag since 22 July 1947. The once called Golden sparrow after being ruled over by the terrain rulers for 150 years had developed such tricolor to represent the country and its people. But today, it seems that the tricolor represents only the country and not the people. Somewhere, the feeling of belongingness is devoid of national pride.

Relentless efforts are being made every day to take the nation at the zenith of global economy. Right from industrialization, agriculture, sports, media and technology; every dimension is striving hard to regain the epithet, “Golden sparrow”. Still a feeling of pride is missing in all our hearts. It has almost been a decade that the people in India have recited “I am proud to be an Indian..!”(Excluding 2011 world cup which too was only a nine-days wonder)
Is it inflation which has gripped our mind or is it the corruption issue which has miffed us? 

 If we try to see it through the lenses of cognizance then we would realize that a YOGAGURU calling “BLACK money BACK” can’t turn the sparrow golden. Return of black money cannot stop sexual exploitation of women; it cannot stop crime; it cannot create peace in a nation; it cannot buy rainfall then how it can have a Midas touch? It can’t be a sole solution to all the problems. On magnifying the overhyped issue of Corruption, it can be seen that it is not a discovery of 21st century by Anna hazare. It has been a major issue since decades and almost all countries are trying to put barriers around it. But neither a fast unto death nor change of government can stop the corruption completely. It is not a mere stigma which can be washed-off easily by a Lokpal bill or change of government. 

Have we ever gave a second thought as how are we trying to decipher this catastrophe individually?

We still bribe a traffic police with an Rs.100 note on breaking the signal; we still buy pirated DVDs; we still bribe policemen when caught in drink & drive case and what not. A change is certainly needed to overcome the adversities. We do have a constitutional right to protest and let the government know that the discontent of the masses can’t go inconspicuous. To make a difference we did show a glimpse of revolt in support of Lokpal-bill but that fire too flickered within no time.  We cannot expect a revolution in India without being an Indian.

We are Indians only in passports, certificates and licenses. Standing in multiplexes/theatres when national anthem is being played doesn’t make an Indian out of us.  Attending a flag hosting ceremony or updating a patriotic thing on facebook also doesn’t count. We celebrate “Republic Day” as a public holiday today and by watching patriotic movies; dream of a change. At the most we discuss about some serious issues but the bottom line remains, “Nothing is going to change.” If the young guns of India (revolutionaries) have had such bottom lines back then; we would never have celebrated 15th august as Independence Day. We just boast and remain belligerent over issues. Do we ever bother about why election has become a rural campaign these days? Even politicians are well aware of the fact that the common man is no more interested in elections today. Thereby, either taking an advantage of religious sentiments or by showing exploits dreams of development; a non-deserving candidate manages to win. And what do we do? We just spend time with our family, enjoy the public holiday and without even casting our valuable vote; we throw the same bottom lines:Nothing is going to change.”

In one of his narrations of chanakyaniti; chanakya has stated that, “Do not believe in a country which cannot give you honor, self-respect, ways of education, means of living and self-development.” I wonder whether people take this quote seriously and change the entire face of democracy. The fact is we want everything to be done by the government without giving even a vote of contribution. We want to clean the dirt without taking brooms in our hand.

It is easy to criticize; even easier to boast over things.If a government is incapable in fulfilling a country’s interest and if you feel the need to change something inside the system; a mere discussion over issues won’t help. You will have to take a stand. A stand can be a protest, contesting an election or getting into UPSC; it can certainly create a difference. But if you are dreaming a big revolution out of it; you need to take a leaf out of the books of freedom fighters. It takes complete knowledge about selection of proper weapons in your stand; an insatiable appetite to win over evil and an obsession of giving birth to a CHANGE. (Needless to mention the example of that person who is tagged on green papers by RBI)

However, if you feel the fire to bring a revolution, thoughts of Swami Vivekanand might reap through a reward which goes as:

Rise-up, do not believe that you are weak, be bold, be strong, take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and believe that you are the creator of your own DESTINY.!

Every developing country has several issues. No form of government is perfect. It is made better by us. Let us not forget the glories of freedom struggle and cultural heritage of the country which has earned a global epitome. It is the people of country who bring glory to a nation. It is an Indian who makes India proud. Being an Indian is not a herculean feat. You just have to recite in your heart “I am proud to be an Indian!” and respect the sacrifice of martyrs whenever you salute before;

S A F F R O N , W H I T E &  G R E E N….!