Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saffron White and Green

Sacrifice (saffron), peace (white) and development (green) are the hues which symbolize our national flag since 22 July 1947. The once called Golden sparrow after being ruled over by the terrain rulers for 150 years had developed such tricolor to represent the country and its people. But today, it seems that the tricolor represents only the country and not the people. Somewhere, the feeling of belongingness is devoid of national pride.

Relentless efforts are being made every day to take the nation at the zenith of global economy. Right from industrialization, agriculture, sports, media and technology; every dimension is striving hard to regain the epithet, “Golden sparrow”. Still a feeling of pride is missing in all our hearts. It has almost been a decade that the people in India have recited “I am proud to be an Indian..!”(Excluding 2011 world cup which too was only a nine-days wonder)
Is it inflation which has gripped our mind or is it the corruption issue which has miffed us? 

 If we try to see it through the lenses of cognizance then we would realize that a YOGAGURU calling “BLACK money BACK” can’t turn the sparrow golden. Return of black money cannot stop sexual exploitation of women; it cannot stop crime; it cannot create peace in a nation; it cannot buy rainfall then how it can have a Midas touch? It can’t be a sole solution to all the problems. On magnifying the overhyped issue of Corruption, it can be seen that it is not a discovery of 21st century by Anna hazare. It has been a major issue since decades and almost all countries are trying to put barriers around it. But neither a fast unto death nor change of government can stop the corruption completely. It is not a mere stigma which can be washed-off easily by a Lokpal bill or change of government. 

Have we ever gave a second thought as how are we trying to decipher this catastrophe individually?

We still bribe a traffic police with an Rs.100 note on breaking the signal; we still buy pirated DVDs; we still bribe policemen when caught in drink & drive case and what not. A change is certainly needed to overcome the adversities. We do have a constitutional right to protest and let the government know that the discontent of the masses can’t go inconspicuous. To make a difference we did show a glimpse of revolt in support of Lokpal-bill but that fire too flickered within no time.  We cannot expect a revolution in India without being an Indian.

We are Indians only in passports, certificates and licenses. Standing in multiplexes/theatres when national anthem is being played doesn’t make an Indian out of us.  Attending a flag hosting ceremony or updating a patriotic thing on facebook also doesn’t count. We celebrate “Republic Day” as a public holiday today and by watching patriotic movies; dream of a change. At the most we discuss about some serious issues but the bottom line remains, “Nothing is going to change.” If the young guns of India (revolutionaries) have had such bottom lines back then; we would never have celebrated 15th august as Independence Day. We just boast and remain belligerent over issues. Do we ever bother about why election has become a rural campaign these days? Even politicians are well aware of the fact that the common man is no more interested in elections today. Thereby, either taking an advantage of religious sentiments or by showing exploits dreams of development; a non-deserving candidate manages to win. And what do we do? We just spend time with our family, enjoy the public holiday and without even casting our valuable vote; we throw the same bottom lines:Nothing is going to change.”

In one of his narrations of chanakyaniti; chanakya has stated that, “Do not believe in a country which cannot give you honor, self-respect, ways of education, means of living and self-development.” I wonder whether people take this quote seriously and change the entire face of democracy. The fact is we want everything to be done by the government without giving even a vote of contribution. We want to clean the dirt without taking brooms in our hand.

It is easy to criticize; even easier to boast over things.If a government is incapable in fulfilling a country’s interest and if you feel the need to change something inside the system; a mere discussion over issues won’t help. You will have to take a stand. A stand can be a protest, contesting an election or getting into UPSC; it can certainly create a difference. But if you are dreaming a big revolution out of it; you need to take a leaf out of the books of freedom fighters. It takes complete knowledge about selection of proper weapons in your stand; an insatiable appetite to win over evil and an obsession of giving birth to a CHANGE. (Needless to mention the example of that person who is tagged on green papers by RBI)

However, if you feel the fire to bring a revolution, thoughts of Swami Vivekanand might reap through a reward which goes as:

Rise-up, do not believe that you are weak, be bold, be strong, take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and believe that you are the creator of your own DESTINY.!

Every developing country has several issues. No form of government is perfect. It is made better by us. Let us not forget the glories of freedom struggle and cultural heritage of the country which has earned a global epitome. It is the people of country who bring glory to a nation. It is an Indian who makes India proud. Being an Indian is not a herculean feat. You just have to recite in your heart “I am proud to be an Indian!” and respect the sacrifice of martyrs whenever you salute before;

S A F F R O N , W H I T E &  G R E E N….!