Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Sonance behind my Silence

I was born with a voice
I was born with a soul
Yet, Whenever I wished to seek the light
They anchored me with a futile goal.
Accomplish one, another awaits their order;
The ladders never end, Desires never end!

All they care is never to cross the ocean
Be it Caste, culture, society or religion.
Whenever in my mind a doubt aroused
My wings were cut, my sky was burned.

You are a lad they say!
Listen to Dad they say!
Fear the God they say!

I killed myself, my thoughts, and my conscience
To be the one they want, they accept.
I am now the new machine resembling a human;
No heart, no soul, no feeling nor emotion!

I have forgotten the human race.
I have forgotten my real face.

Every day I wake up with an urge to be 'The One'
Yet I fear, if I die amidst the dawn of change
'The One' would remain a myth again
Humanity will seize to see the sun
And perhaps, the cycle would never end.

Until I win over my fear, I turn metal into gold
Till the alchemy meets its fate,
My sword would remain calm.

Silence is the path 'HE' says!
Silence is the light 'HE' says!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Tryst in Mumbai

On 8th February 12 pm, I landed in a city I had believed I hated the most, Mumbai. It might be because the crowd, humidity and the fast life never intrigued me. I was very reluctant to come initially but just because UPSC had given Mumbai as the center for the Defense exam, I had to compromise with my loathing. I was struggling for a reason to combat with my disgust and was finding ways to overcome it. Finally, a female friend came to my rescue. I asked her if she could help me explore Mumbai. She replied in positive and all got well in the hood. We decided to meet at Dadar station around 12:30 pm. In view of that I boarded a bus in the morning from Pune and around 3 hours I reached Mumbai. I went down from my bus and saw the time; “12 noon.” my mind said in exhaustion and I headed towards Sion. Initially I was unenthusiastic; still with a ray of hope, I began my exploration but I never knew that it would ultimately lead to one of the best explorations I could ever have.

With my first step in Sion, I found it very difficult to cope with my antipathy. The irritation gripped my mind about the place all over again. Going with the plan as instructed by her, I reached the station to catch the local train for Dadar. Yes, the local! My disgust increased further with the thought of local train. I stood in the queue, bought a ticket, went to the platform and stood near the track waiting for the train. No sooner did the train arrive than the crowd burst out like insects as if they were going to die if they would miss the rain. I was simply standing near the door, caught by the dilemma, “to go or not to go?” In between that conflict, a huge thrust came from nowhere and I was squeezed. Within a second I was in the train. I was wondering how I made it to the compartment. (Newton’s 1st Law it was: Every body maintains its state of rest or of uniform motion unless it is acted upon by external indirect force.)  However, the liberation did not last longer. There was hardly any air left inside; even oxygen molecules were fighting hard to enter into my respiratory system. “Hail Mumbai!” my legs said in soreness. Nevertheless my body and mind didn't suffer much as Dadar station arrived shortly. To save myself from the chaotic crowd I directly jumped off the train and landed safely on the platform even before the train stopped. No thrust, No push, No riots. I heaved a sigh of relief and walked out of the platform with mixed feelings of anxiety. Yet, a sense of accomplishment followed my unease while walking, “Yes! You have made it through the Mumbai local, Ecstasy!” My mind said in liberation and I left the platform.

I took my mobile out when I came outside to call her and to notify that I had reached Dadar. It was 12:15 pm; she asked me to hang around the tt-circle for 15-20 minutes until her arrival and suggested to eat something till then. I took a walk around and went on a hunt to assuage my hunger.  I saw a café nearby and ate mix-veg sandwich accompanied by a glass of Orange juice. They managed to develop some positive notions in my mind. Psychologically, they worked as a fuel and I was ready to go for a ride. “You are prepared.” my mind sent the signal and as the last sip of juice went through my throat, my cell rang. This time the signal was corporeal. It was her. “Wait at Dadar station.” She said. "Are we going by local?" I asked in despair. “Indeed yes!”She exclaimed and displeasure gripped my mind yet again. Even so, I toddled all the way through tt-cirlce and combating the negative vibes reached the station.  The anxiety was replaced by excitement after I crossed the entrance barricade. As soon as I arrived at the platform my cell rang; it was her for the third time. She was somewhere in the vicinity and so was asking about my exact co-ordinates. No sooner did I give her further details than she came near and patted me on my shoulder. 

I turned around at once and put the cell back to my pocket. I greeted her with a cheerful smile; not as cheerful as her. She had that Mumbai-spirit aura; energetic, cheerful and poised.  I managed to steal a moment in the interim and made a quick fleeting look over her attire in that time. She was looking fabulous. Her bright top matched her dark chocolate hair and the denims complemented well to her casual look. There was something profound in her eyes as well when my eyes made a brief eye contact.  Unfathomable, radiant and brown they appeared; my eyes were finding difficult to cope with them. As soon as they flickered for the first time, I came back to sanity and involved myself in formal talks. After a minute or two, the platform board indicated about the arrival of a train to CST. Seeing this she gave me a rough sketch about the places we could explore around CST in whatever time we had and amidst that explanation our train arrived. To my surprise it was almost empty. It was the happiest moment since I had stepped down in the city. “Lucky Boy!” my mind winked at me and we boarded the train comfortably. We went inside with ease and stood near the door to set ourselves comfortably before the train starts. Subsequently, the formal conversation began. She initiated with whereabouts and in the same moment, the train accelerated and began to run.

As the train gained momentum, out of the blue my mind took me back to my school days with the same speed with which the train had had picked up the pace.  She was my classmate back then. Yet, we never have had exchanged words with each other; nor we have had left any mark in our memory lane to get along. So far, we had hardly known each other through few references from our mutual friends and to some extent through some candid acquaintances on social network. It was only in Diwali vacation few months back, when we happened to meet after four years and had a brief idea about our respective qualities and thought processes.

I found her more sporting and more realistic than our previous meet. However, this time, I was finding it difficult to match with her zing because the milieu had turned altogether different now. The café had turned into compartment; the AC had turned into natural airstream and as the wind blew stronger near the door; it was troubling her hair and was making them hover all over her face. She was swiftly setting them with her hands time after time amidst conversation, over and over again. I was struggling to have a sight off her face in that breezing ambiance and I was just reacting rather than being pro-active in the interaction. To be precise, I could only do one thing at a time; either be sane and respond or just keep looking at her and react. In next to no time, I came back to my senses with the call of next station and I started responding. 

I realized that the mob might enter in a jiffy then and so I thought we should trade our places. “Be Protective!” my mind exclaimed. So I stood near the door and asked her to stand beside me as the station arrived. She was more comfortable than before I realized. After having another set of routine conversations we reached our station, CST. We stepped down and moved outside the station. I wondered what a huge population travel by train everyday; it was larger than I had thought. As I saw the main terminal building I recalled seeing them in many of our bollywood movies. It was almost similar to what we have been spotting on silver screen, yet the real picture was better than the reel one.  I wish I have had gone with a camera because she was showing every place akin to a guide with such zeal that all the places, old buildings; cafeterias seemed worth having a click.

 After strolling for a mile we went to an art fest at Kala ghoda. I was amazed to find that mammoth of teenagers had turned up for that festival. There were various artistic portraits, handicrafts, ethnic wear; each representing their ethnicity. We went through several stalls but I hardly found anything worth mending a hole in my wallet. Actually there was hardly any ‘guy’ thing to buy. I only kept wondering about the art from distance and the rest of the admiration was done by her, by exploring almost every piece of art that caught her eye. She swam through every cute thing in that ocean of handicrafts. However, unlike other shopaholic girls she didn’t introspect much; she would like it or she would refuse it blatantly. When she found that nothing could interest her there, we left the art fest and she took me to another place, the most famous art gallery of the city, ‘Jahangir Art gallery. We both knew nothing about paintings, abstracts and modern arts yet we were poised to go gaga over it. Akin to devoted art lovers we keenly observed every section of the gallery in that exhibition. After profound introspection we almost deciphered the hidden emotions from two modern-art paintings, ‘journey of the head’ and ‘Moonlight walk’.  We realized that art is not that tough to connect and on this note we left the gallery and headed for our next exploration, kolaba.

Kolaba, is a phoenix mall of streets vendors. In a little while after walking through few stalls I realized that it is simply another girl’s world. No girl can come out of it with empty hands. My patience level was struggling seeing this scenario. She figured that out very quickly, yet she politely asked me to stick around for an hour. “She is a girl. Shopping is her characteristic. Understand.” My mind advised me and I tried to be normal. She was getting too much confused with every outfit and that uncertainty continued almost for an hour as she bought nothing in that time. “understand.”, my mind informed me yet one more time but this time I didn’t pay heed to my mind as I had to rescue myself. Thus, I intervened by suggesting her with some bright color outfits which had a touch of her favorite shade, copper bronze. Surprisingly, she liked it and that brought a glow on her face. Eventually that brought a glow on my face too with a feeling of content that her shopping was finally finished. Yet, she was not content and was obstinate to go back and buy a bracelet which the shopkeeper had earlier refused to sell her at a bargained price. I had already bought it then through the corner of her eyes but I thought I should gift it her while leaving, as a surprise gift. But the plan failed as she remained stubborn on going back. “No one has ever won over a girl!”My mind conveyed me and I decided to surrender. At last, I stopped her and took that bracelet out of my waist bag and said, “Hey wait, I already bought it for you!” she turned around and a sudden expression of surprise appeared on her face followed by ecstasy.  Her happiness knew no bounds and with generosity she said “Thank you.

She was all content after that surprise yet she bought a chocolate ice-cream just to accompany our walk and her happy mood. We strolled another mile relishing on few bites of chocolate and went to the main tourist attraction of Mumbai, Gateway of India. I was absolutely mesmerized by its sight. Endless Ocean, the sound of waves, ships, pigeons; all were surrounding one thing, Gateway of India. Facing to it was magnificent Taj hotel. It reminded me of the unfortunate 26/11 attacks and with the very next moment our topic of discussion changed to terrorism, religion and many serious issues prevailing in our country. “She is not an IAS aspirant.” My mind informed me and I took a backseat. After that we clicked some pictures to reminisce and then we sat on a bench near the ocean. The ocean was looking even more beautiful from there. We both were looking at the ocean in awe of its beauty and infinity. An Absolute silence prevailed for a minute. We just kept listening to the waves, the breeze, the sky and our own internal thoughts until a strong wave rose and fell to flicker our eyelids; and just then we came back to our real world.

The strong wave perhaps have had made resonance with our inner thoughts and consequently we began to talk about our life. So soothing was the vicinity that the innermost feelings about my life burst out in front of her as if I was talking to myself. She too discussed many things; about her experiences and how the city had helped her to explore a complete new world around her. May be we were at the same phase of life and so our conversation went on surrounding newly discovered versions of ourselves. I was finding it very easy and comfortable to open up with her; it might be because I had discovered a real genuine person in her. When she would talk, her brown eyes would do all the conversation; fearless, unfathomable and lively as if her eyes are the mirrors of her soul. Her effortless expressions had a rhythm with her thoughts. The reality based conversation last until we had the last taste of the chocolate. I wish it would never have finished and we would have continued talking, wave after wave, breeze after breeze; eternally. Alas! Time is never in our hand.

 It was 5:30, Time for us to leave. I was walking with a heavy feet, reluctant to go but finally I toddled out and we headed for CST. We hired a cab this time as we were running short of time. She showed me marine-drive, jindal house, Cadbury factory etc. that appeared in our way. I saw most of the things one could see in a day, yet I simply wished if I could see haji-ali mosque.  She asked me if I really had to visit and within no time she told the driver to turn for haji-ali. I felt very happy by her gesture. I promised that we would complete the last spot in short span.  But when we reached there she was little low for the uncomfortable zone the place offers to the women. She was apprehensive. “Be protective.” my mind yelled at me and so I tried to cheer her up with my funny side, yet it was not required as she soon jelled with the surrounding and we strolled faster. 

We slowed down in the mid-way as we saw a beautiful sight. We were standing in the middle of the ocean and it was as if the sun was smiling all throughout the ocean and the waves were carrying all the happiness of the world. The ways gave an impression of offering something; an internal peace, an anonymous notion, a feeling to take along us and simply give a smile in return. We stood gazing for a while and then marched quickly to reach the entrance. As I entered the mosque I experienced something. The energy was liberating. So serene, so divine was the force that we hardly talked inside the mosque. We removed our foot-wears nearby and went inside to offer the prayers. There were separate queues for men and women and so we entered inside respectively. Men’s queue was not crowded comparatively and so I went inside the shrine before her. She was still in the queue. I went near the tomb to have a closer aura. I joined my hands and bowed my head before the all mighty to pray. There was an absolute stillness as if my soul was interacting with him. I thanked him for all the bliss he has bestowed upon me and further asked the almighty to bless me with courage, to spread the happiness and peace all around the world. I prayed to seek his presence in my life and with that I released my hands and raised my head.  As soon as I opened my eyes I saw something I couldn’t believe in.

The vision was blurred initially as I was gradually opening my eyes. There was something anonymous happening inside me; an unusual notion was gripping me. The vision was getting clearer as I was trying to open my eyes further. The blurred vision slowly got replaced with a dim yellow light; it was reflection of the sun which was about to set. The complete milieu turned golden yellow progressively as the sun was advancing. When I roughly opened my eyes I saw a girl with a red scarf covered on her head, praying before the almighty. The yellow sun behind her was showering with golden reflections all around her vicinity. Her aura was looking so illuminating that everything encircling her was looking faint relatively. Everything became numb for a moment. The reflected light faded out soon. The picture was becoming clearer as the time was advancing. Finally, everything became clear and when I saw the complete image I was taken aback. It was ‘HER.’ 

I walked outside the shrine through heavy steps. I couldn’t believe my sight. It was something magical. Something I had never seen in my life. I was numb. No strange thoughts were engulfing my mind then. I just went back and wore my shoes. My eyes were trying to convince my mind that what they had seen was true. She came out in next few seconds. I was in my own thoughts. She wore her foot-wears and we both moved towards the entrance gate. After some seconds we started talking about the serenity the place radiated. But back in my head I was wondering about that sight. For the next few seconds I struggled to make an eye contact with her.  When I managed to look at her face, I found her different. The image which I had seen inside the mosque under the rays of sunset was not there. I was trying to figure out the difference. “Later.” my mind advised and so I ignored those notions. While walking back we reached that part of the way when we happened to stand once again in the middle of the ocean. I asked her to stop for a while; it was very instinctive. We stood there for sometime; glaring at the setting sun, the ocean and the waves. In awe of that beautiful scenery, all of a sudden an anonymous smile came on my face. It simply came naturally. I wondered if it was what the ocean, the waves and the sun were trying to convey me while coming, (Simply give a smile in return.) I had a spiritual connect for a second. I stopped thinking about what I had seen. I got my answer and with a last second of glimpse we moved forward heading towards the gate. Soon, I came back to my natural state and we talked along the way till we reached the entrance gate. We already got late and so as soon as we came outside we hired a cab for CST and took a sandwich to accompany in the interim.

The complete day was flashing in my head as we were g nearer to the station analogous to a slide show. I wished I could explore many more places with her. I had suddenly fallen in love with Mumbai. Even before I could recall everything that I had explored, we reached CST station. We bought the ticket and as soon as we went inside we saw that the train was standing on the platform already. We hardly had anything more to discuss, however I had a lot more to say. The time was running out and I couldn’t figure out what to say. She escorted me to the compartment with general instructions which were necessary for an alien to travel. And finally the good-bye moment came. “Thank her!” My mind exclaimed for the last time and I stepped down from my compartment to follow the same. I expressed my gratitude for giving her precious time and further added that she is the most genuine girl I had ever met. She smiled in generosity, and went on her way, waving her hand, saying good-bye.

 The train came in motion as soon as I sat on my place. I took out my tab for the first time since morning and attached my headphones and without even selecting a song I simply resumed the music player. The slideshow of memories began to pop up as the music started. The cold breeze was intriguing me to connect my thoughts to the song. I was all lost in the memories. Soon the slideshow faded out and suddenly some lines hit a chord with my thoughts. Out of the blue, I got a rhythm in my head and some more lines came in my mind further. I followed them throughout and ended up with a brief couplet of my wonderful journey. 


I met a girl today
It was humid noon and the sun overhead was shining gay.
Yet, her ravishing smile was more lustrous
Even sunlight relative to her was dim and grey

As the time went by, we broke the ice
Did some shopping covering various miles
Every place she took me to was full of zest and life
Whether its art gallery, divine mosque or breezing marine drive.

For the precious time she gave to me
I wish I could thank her in a better way
I had managed to buy a bracelet to gift her in the end
Yet she caught me in the process midway.

All I can do now is dedicate some lines to her
For the memories I had
For the time we spent together.

Don’t know how many such golden moments in my life
Are meant to treasure and have?
But your memories I would never let it go
Your memories I will always keep and have.

A smile appeared on my face as I wrote the last letter.  I realized that I just had an unforgettable tryst of my life; a day I wish I could ever relive again. I felt I had left a part of me there. Perhaps I was taking a lot more than just memories along with me in this journey. I peeped outside through the window and with a feeling of gratitude,
 “Love you Mumbai!” my heart uttered in ecstasy for the one last time.